EWADIG: Enterprise Web Application Development and Internet Governance
Graduate Course, Faculty of Tourism Management and Information Technology @UCM, IT Department, 2015
Enterprise Web Application Development and Internet Governance
Permanent link ( Moodle )
General information and Objectives
- Learn the fundamental Web Technologics and Dev tools.
- Master and apply Web App Platform and User Management.
- Master and apply Web Application best practices and concepts.
- Master Web App Testing Tools and Techniques
Topic outline
Basic Web Technologies
In this topic we will discuss the fundamentals of the HTTP protocol, and the evolution of the WWW, from Web 1.0 to 2.0, and what is to come next.
At the end of this topic, you will be able to:
- Grasp the notion of HTTP
- Understand the sorts of URI, URL, URN
- Understand the client-server communication through HTTP
- Have dominion over the HTPP request-response transactions
- Master the make of request
- Master the make of response
- Understand the different Methods of HTTP
- Understand the different types of status and states of request-response
Lecture 2 From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 (Courtesy of Derek Hildreth) File
Client Side Web Technologies for Interaction & Presentation
In this section you will learn the client-side tools and technologies for UX (User Experience) Design
Web interaction
- Javascript. Basic concepts.
- AJAX (note: ajax relies on server side info)
Web presentation Client-SIde
- Development tools for web presentation
- HTML for CSS. Good practices.
Lecture 3 Web Interaction AJaX JSON JS File
Lecture 4 Web Presentation File
- Tutorials on the technologies aforementioned
Server-Side Technologies for UX and Web & Business Logic
Web-based UI
- Create a rich web UI using JSF 2 and RichFaces.
Business Logic
- Servlets, JSP, JSF and Struts
- Session Beans
- Implement business logic using EJB.
- Extra reading materials and Practice Labs
Ajax and JSP using Netbeans Lab File
Additional material on SessionBeans File
Deploying WebApp With Netbeans File
Develop JavaEE 6 application with JSF2, EJB3 and JPA File
- Labs: here you can find the labs done by the tutor during the classes plus some new ones, download the zip file, uncompress it and open it on netbeans to try project by project, feel free to play with them.
Labs on JSON Servlet WebServices JSP JSF AJaX JQuery File
WebApp Developer’s Admin Task and WebApp Security
Developer Administration Tasks for App Server (Apache Tomcat)
- Use Servers administration interfaces and deployment models.
Introduction to Web App IDE
- Leverage IDE tools to control servers and manage projects.
Packaging and Deployment
- Understand deployment options for application packages built with IDE for a variety of middleware servers.
Security and Web User Management
- Container and application-managed security
- Authentication, authorization and accounting.
- Cookies and Session Tracking
- Single sign-on
- User repositories: Active Directory and LDAP
TomCatManagement UserManagement Security File
Lecture 8 Administration Roles File
Web Services and CDI
Contexts and Dependency Injection
- Build CDI-enabled applications.
Web Services
- Use Enterprise Application Platform implementations for JAX-WS support with RESTEasy and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to build web services.
WebServiceLab-Java to Java File
Messaging and Persistence
- Use HornetQ to add asynchronous messaging to enterprise components and develop message-driven beans.
- Persist data with JPA and Hibernate
Java Persistence API Example File
Develop JavaEE 6 application with JSF2, EJB3 and JPA File
Web App Testing
- Test applications using JUnit and
- Test applications using Arquillian.
Quizzes, Tests, Assignment and Final Project
Here you will find all the activities that counts to your final grade
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